Friday 24 October 2014

Narrative Task


The movie Avengers uses a linear pattern to show how New York was almost destroyed then saved by a group of Avengers.

Todorov's theory of an equilibrium is used in the movie. The equilibrium is at the start when everything is okay and the world is safe. The disequibrium is when Loci(the bad guy) gains control of the cube of energy. He then plans a way to destroy the world and take over. The new equilbrium is when the Avengers fight against all the evil that Loci allows into the world through a portal.

The Character Theory(Propp)

The Villain: Loci
The Donor: Samuel L Jackson
The Helper: All the Avengers
The Princess: The Cube of Energy
The Dispatcher: Samuel L Jackson
The Hero: Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)
The False Hero: Loci

Enigma codes: Throughout the trailer we don't know what Loci(bad guy) is going to send into this planet so we are left unsatisfied. This means that in order for us to find out we have to purchase a movie ticket and go watch the movie.

Action Codes: The trailer begins with civilians running from something. In the next frame the buildings are breaking and falling apart. This suggest something sinister is happening to the city and someone is responsible for it.

Movie Trailer Clip:

Breaking Bad (Season 1 Trailer):

In the 1st season of breaking bad a linear narrative is used to broadcast how and what the main character will do about his situation. In series 2+, the use of multi-strand narrative is introduced.

Todorov's theory of an equilibrium is used in the 1st season by showing Walter White (Main character) teaching a class and living his life. The disequilibrium is he begins to find maintaining with his bills hard. He is then diagnosed with lung cancer. The new equilibrium is Walter White finding a way to maintain and this is by making meth which is then sold. He wants to make enough money for his family to live happily after he dies. In season 1 he begins to make meth as a hobby then soon in 3rd season makes it full time.

The Character theory (Propp)

The Villain: Lung Cancer
The Donor: Jesse Pinkman
The Helper: Jesse Pinkman
The Princess: The Money
The Dispatcher: Jesse Pinkman (Partner)
The Hero: Jesse Pinkman (Helps Walter find a way to make money) 

Programme Trailer Clip:

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