Sunday 7 December 2014

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

In order to create our project we created all materials needed for planning this preliminary task. These included factors such as creating a detailed storyboard (including camera movement, dialogue and length of shots), Creating a shot-list which allowed us to before hand know what shots we had to complete and which shots we still had to film and a script which allowed us to rule out the dialogue and movement of each character. All of these were effective in clarifying our intentions for this production.

In our production the strengths outweighed the weaknesses. Some of the strengths that our production included are great match-on-action shots. These showed the movement of a character, such as when our character was walking and opening the door, from more than 1 angle. This effect shows continuity in the clip which emphasizes dramatic or emotional logic between shots. Also we used a range of shot types. These include close ups on key objects such as the balcony door and the cigarette box. We also used mid-shots which showed us the main characters facial expressions as well as their body language. This helps the audience distinguish how the character is feeling and what they might do about it. In this trailer, the main character spends most the time looking down to the ground. This implies to the audience that there is a misconception in this story which they want to find out about.

The non-diegetic sound was a strength for us as it was parallel to the storyline. It wasn't very fast paced and aligned perfectly with the narrative. The diegetic sound was a weakness for us as we didn't include dialogue.

The weaknesses in our production included no dialogue being used. This resulted in our production not meeting the brief which was a shame. Our intention was for there to be  no diegetic sounds but only non-diegetic sounds such as music. This was in attempt to create tension and suspense in the audience. I believe that our production looked much more better without dialogue as our trailer was meant to be of the thriller genre. Keeping this in mind, I believe in the future we should stick to meeting the brief and make a plan that will tick all the boxes for the brief.

The narrative of our project was an male character who was clearly disturbed by something walks from his bathroom to his garden. In the garden that he stands in, he lights a cigarette and stares gracefully into the distance. Soon after his phone rings but we as the audience cannot hear this. He pulls out his phone and answers straight away. As the audience we straight away acknowledge that someone has called him. He says one line of dialogue to the caller then gets disconnected. This leaves the audience highly curious of what and who he has spoken to. As he puts his phone back into his pocket he put his head down into his hands. The effect of this is to suggest to the audience that he is in misery or pain. The cigarette further reinforces this as cigarettes usually connote stress and pain.

Friday 5 December 2014

No More Page 3

What was the video about?

The video was about a group of individuals who went through hundreds of newspapers and cut out pictures of all the males and females. They then put them up on the wall separating females and males. The images of the females were very sexualised and contained a lot of nudity. For the males there were a lot of sportsmen and business men. Through out the magazines there was not 1 image of a sports woman.

Note down the on-screen text that lists each of the conclusions they made.

In the video they made many conclusions at the end. These conclusions include  'there is a range of emotions on the main sides ... the women are mainly standing and pouting' and ' this is a newspaper reowned for sport, and there is not a single image of a woman doing sport'. 

Give your view - do you agree with the conclusions? Is this representation harmful? Why?

I do believe that the representation of females is highly harmful. This is because females are being presented in a way in which they are being disrespected by The Sun. The fact that there is no female sportswoman suggests to the audience that females are only there for looking pretty and pleasing men. As a result young individuals who may read the newspaper will only see women who are half-naked or pregnant which creates the idea to them that being half-naked in a newspaper is perfectly normal. Also young females are less likely to be motivated to become a sportswoman as there are no images of sportswoman in the newspaper. 

I believe it is important for the younger generation to see something that they can look up to. Whether it is a sportswoman or a dancer. If all a young girl sees is images of naked females then it is likely that her ambitions will be low and the same to the girls in the newspaper.

Uses And Gratifications

Diversion is the process of escape from everyday problems and routine. This could be reached using methods such as watching reality shows to liven up your mood as well as watching game shows and getting involved.


Personal Relationships - using the media for emotional and other interaction. This could include building relationships in your mind with characters in programmes. This is most likely in soaps and series such as EastEnders and Coronation Street.

Personal Identity - finding yourself reflected in texts. This could include seeing something in a magazine that you believe is exactly what you like. For example a dress or outfit that you believe you would've picked. This suggests that this magazine has the same identity as you. This is most seen in Magazines and Reality shows such as Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Surveillance - Information which could be useful for living such as weather reports, financial news and holiday bargains. These could be programmes such as BBC News, BBC Weather and Sky News.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Audience Theory Questions

Playing video games for just 20 minutes a day can encourage aggressive behaviour.

  • How does Article 1 relate to the hypodermic needle theory?

- The hypodermic needle theory suggests that whatever the audience hears on the news or sees on TV influences them in their lives. This article suggests that individuals in their youth are more likely to get influenced by violent video games than anything else. 

  • Find another online article/academic study that challenges the belief that violent video games are harmful. Provide the link and summarise its key points.
Article Against 

- This article suggests that there is no link between violent behaviour and playing violent video games. It suggests that yeah once in a while maybe the victim of an incident may of played Grand Theft Auto but that is like saying the victim wore socks when the incident happened. It doesn't mean anything.

  • What's your view on this debate?
- There is no evidence suggesting that videogames are the main route to violent behaviour. There may be a case once in a while where the victim played Grand Theft Auto but what kind of excuse is that. To blame the video game for infuriating him into harming another individual. I myself have played video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Call Of Duty for most of my life and not once have I ever thought about killing someone or harming someone because of that game. I feel as if it has had no impact on me and surely should have no impact on no one else.

2. Jamal Edwards: Amateur film-maker turned 

  • How can you link this feature to the two-step flow model?

- Jamal edwards is an opinion leader in the two-step flow model as he is broadcasting his view to many many people are agreeing or disagreeing. A lot of people may look up to him as an idol and may be influenced by his likes and dislikes. As a result they may begin to be influenced into having the same opinion as him and agreeing with everything that he says. 
  • Identify FIVE other YouTubers who are influencing audiences. 

Opening Scene Analysis


At the beginning the opener contains all the characters and their hobbies. It shows them smoking weed, drinking alcohol with one another and having fun. It suggests to us the personality of the characters and how old they are all ranged around. The setting of this opener is located in town. The antagonist makes his way down town on his skateboard going past many shops in a crowded place. As he makes his way down he passes many situations that he just ignores also causing a lot of nuisance. These show that he the typical stereotype of a teenager, careless and clumsy.  This portrays to the audience straight away that if they enjoy the entertainment of teenagers mucking about this is the right programme for them. Then the student makes his way to the bottom of town to greet his friends. His friends are drinking alcohol and from the dialogue they say it's 8 am and have college in 30 mins. This suggests that they aren't taking anything serious and makes the audience want to watch on to see what they are going to do once they get into college.

The sound includes diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. There is music playing in the background which is fast paced and further reinforces that the character is moving fast on his skateboard. The non-diegetic sounds are the sounds of car horns and dialogue.


This opener is located outside their community service area spot. This shows each character and their facial expressions by a mid-shot. The first character is shown as being very happy while smoking a cigarette. Since he is at the front he may be the leader of the group and may also be the least responsible. The next character looks entertained by what he is doing. The third characters facial expressions suggest he is bored as well as the fourth character who also looks worried. All of these characters have been placed on community service for doing something illegal.

Dependency Theory

Rokeach and Defluer took Uses and Gratifications one step further in 1976 in suggesting that people have become dependant on the media. They found that people rely on media for information determining. This means the media can create many different feelings such as anxiety, fear and happiness. The media basically controls our feelings at times.

1: What do you primarily use the media for?: Entertainment or Information?(or something else?)
- I use the media for entertainment purposes as well as informative purposes. I use media platforms such as BBC News and Sky News to keep up to date with current affairs. I use E-Media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to communicate with family and friends. As well as this I watch soaps such as Eastenders for entertainment.

2: To what extent do you think that we are reliant on media?
- I think now days most people find themselves reliant on media. There are many reasons why people choose to use media to a extent where they may rely on it. These include the Uses and Gratifications which are:

- Diversion 
- Personal Relationship
- Personal Identity
- Surveillance

3: Has our dependence changed over the last 10 years?
- In my opinion, I believe it has changed. We are much more reliant on Media as it brings a lot of comfort to many people. So people are much more likely to rely on Media to comfort them as a pose to something else. Nowadays a lot of people tend to spend more and more time on media. This has resulted in them being addicted to media such as social media, soaps etc. As a result they tend to lose count of how long they spend on media and when reminded or cautioned about it are likely to denie. 

Monday 24 November 2014

My Production for Preliminary Task WWW, EBI and LR


WWW: In my opinion our production was good. This is because we included a lot of match-on- action shots which built tension and suspense. The audience wanted to know what he had done and why he looked so stressed out. As the character goes outside he smokes a cigarette which also suggests stress. He then pulls out his mobile answering and saying something that the audience cannot hear. The effect of the audience not hearing the conversation builds curiosity in the audience. The audience then will feel like they want to continue watching to see who he was on the phone too and what is the scenario at that time. As a result of the dialogue being removed also tells the audience that this character could be talking to any one. His facial expressions suggests he is worried and that phone call didn't go to well.

EBI: I thought my work was pretty good with minor issues. These issues include the fact that our production didn't meet the brief of the video having to include dialogue. Also the close-up shot on the cigarettes kept focusing and un-focusing. Also it surpassed the 180 degree rule which confused the class. Me and my partner wanted to try something new out and mask the audio with music in order to build tension in the audience.

LR: I believe in the real upcoming project me and my partner should meet the brief and stick to only the brief. We can mix it up a bit but we should definitely include everything from the brief.

Friday 14 November 2014



Strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, organisation ... support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige - the very best . Also attracted to 'caring' and protective brands ... stress relief. (Top management)

Succeeders would read sophisticated newspapers like The Guardian. They would read it on their Apple Ipad every morning while having a cup of tea. If they're not keen on reading The Guardian then it is likely they that no newspaper appeals to them as The Guardian is the only sophisticated one. They may prefer to read magazines such as Forbes, Success or Entrepreneur which are magazines aimed at mainly individuals located at the top of the Market such as...

In terms of broadcasting, Suceeders would mainly tune into Sky News. This is because it will keep them upto date on current affairs and will put them in a place where they also know what's basically going on.
They would have Sky with the full package but wouldn't watch it as much as a Aspirer or a Explorer. Suceeders tend to spend all their time working in order for them to suceed. They don't sit around watching Sky.

When talking about technology they would own a lot of Apple products as Apple's products are divine and of high quality. Also Samsung products may also be used in their households as much as Apple products.

Louis Vuitton

Storyboard,Script & Shot List of Preliminary Task


Character walks into the patio looking distressed.
Once in the patio he slouches onto a wall. While on the wall he lights a cigarette and inhales.
He then feels his phone vibrating and answers.
'He then says Everything is done, when will I get my wife back'.

The caller on the other side of the phone says something which results in the character saying OK. He puts the phone back into his pocket and puts his head into his hands.

Shot List

1. Medium Shot into Long Shot of him walking towards the patio.
2. Medium Long shot of character walking towards patio.
3. Close up on shot on shoes as character walks.
4. Extreme close up on door handle as character opens it.
5. Medium Shot as character walks outside.
6. Medium Shot

Psychographic groups (Suceeders)

My Presentation

Monday 3 November 2014

Media Consumption


-Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
The sun occasionally
-What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
The back to check headlines about football
-What sections do you never read, and why?
I flick through briefly reading all stories
-What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
I do


What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why
I don't read magazines
What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?


-Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
1-2 hours a day - roughly 10 hours a week
-What times of day do you usually watch television?
Whenever I feel like watching a film and when MOTD is on.
-What programmes do you like best and why?
Match of the day. I enjoy watching football 
-Do you watch alone or with others?
Alone or with mates
-If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?


-What stations do you like best and why?
Don't really listen to the radio.
-Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?
What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio?
I don't at all
-What stations do you dislike most and why?
I've always hated Magic. They play awful songs.
-Do you listen alone or with others?
I don't
-Where do you listen to the radio?
I used to listen to it in the car. Now I just put my CDs in or connect my phone
-What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening to the radio?


-What films, if any, have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
I haven't been to watch any movies recently. Last movie I watched was the Inbetweeners 2
-What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
Many many movies over Netflix and Sky.
-Who else watched the films with you?
Loads of people. Family, friends etc.
-Who decided what films to watch?
If a movie looks good then we all agree on watching it


-How often do you access the internet?
Every few minutes
-Where do you access the internet?  At home, at college or school, or at work?
-What are the main sites that you access?
Youtube mainly, could also say Twitter.
-What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to -make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
Communicate and entertainment
-What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
Listen to music, chill, do work.

Movie Clip Editing Analysis

Editing Analysis:

Avengers is a superhero movie which was created in April 2012 by Joss Whedon. It features many top actors such as Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johannason and Chris Evans etc. The genre of the movie is an hybrid of a Action, Adventure Sci-fi. The editors of the movie have put a lot of work into making this movie seem as real as it does. The use of space creatures and superpowers are created artificially on computers. The clip begins off with 2 of the main protagonists verbally threatening each other. The editing allows the clip to show them going back and forth at each other( this could be refereed to as Shot Reverse Shot) until Thor throws his hammer at Iron Man. As the hammer is thrown, the camera is set to follow it as it impacts Iron Man.

At the beginning at around 35 seconds the sign of an dis-equilibrium is shown. This is by the pull-back of the hammer by Thor suggesting the launch of it towards Iron Man who is walking away. Before the launch of the hammer an medium shot is used to show us the facial expressions on Thor's face which could imply he's angry. After this scene a establishing shot is used to catch the villain sitting on top of a high mountain. From this shot we can see the dark sky and the misty atmosphere which connotes evil and darkness is around him. 

In this clip the pace of the movement of every clip is quick. The flow and rhythm of the scene is also quite brisk which aligns with the movement of the characters. This means since Iron Man and Thor move very quickly the camera follows them around by using shots such as the pan shot and quick establishing shots. The transition that is used mainly in this is a simple cut. This builds realism in the movie as it is simple and used in all movies. The movie clip also contains a lot of action matches. This is when the action is filmed from many angles. Therefore, the clip switches quickly to the action in a different angle using a cut transition. This is effective as it creates fast paced action which gives the audience a thrill. The shots themselves are close ups, medium long shots and and mid shots. The close ups are used to show Robert Downey Jr's facial expressions inside the Iron Man suit. Medium long shots and mid shots are used to show the facial expressions and body language of all the protagonists and the villain. 

Continuity editing is used to create realism throughout the clip. This is done through the cutting shots which tell the story with narrative continuity. The clip remains at a constant continuity which is also done through smooth flow from shot to shot. In Avengers, the use of different types of shots and quick simple cuts are used to make sure the movie continuous. This is further reinforced near the end using dietetic sounds when all 3 protagonists are speaking to each other. The camera flips back and fourth after each line of dialogue.

Non-diegetic sounds are used such as the sound of the hammer whooshing through the sky or the sound of the hammer colliding with Captain America's shield which creates a loud bang. This creates emphasis on how powerful each of the protagonists' weapons are and what damage they can do. The music that plays over the clip is parallel to the action as it creates a heroic image. 

Friday 24 October 2014

Narrative Task


The movie Avengers uses a linear pattern to show how New York was almost destroyed then saved by a group of Avengers.

Todorov's theory of an equilibrium is used in the movie. The equilibrium is at the start when everything is okay and the world is safe. The disequibrium is when Loci(the bad guy) gains control of the cube of energy. He then plans a way to destroy the world and take over. The new equilbrium is when the Avengers fight against all the evil that Loci allows into the world through a portal.

The Character Theory(Propp)

The Villain: Loci
The Donor: Samuel L Jackson
The Helper: All the Avengers
The Princess: The Cube of Energy
The Dispatcher: Samuel L Jackson
The Hero: Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)
The False Hero: Loci

Enigma codes: Throughout the trailer we don't know what Loci(bad guy) is going to send into this planet so we are left unsatisfied. This means that in order for us to find out we have to purchase a movie ticket and go watch the movie.

Action Codes: The trailer begins with civilians running from something. In the next frame the buildings are breaking and falling apart. This suggest something sinister is happening to the city and someone is responsible for it.

Movie Trailer Clip:

Breaking Bad (Season 1 Trailer):

In the 1st season of breaking bad a linear narrative is used to broadcast how and what the main character will do about his situation. In series 2+, the use of multi-strand narrative is introduced.

Todorov's theory of an equilibrium is used in the 1st season by showing Walter White (Main character) teaching a class and living his life. The disequilibrium is he begins to find maintaining with his bills hard. He is then diagnosed with lung cancer. The new equilibrium is Walter White finding a way to maintain and this is by making meth which is then sold. He wants to make enough money for his family to live happily after he dies. In season 1 he begins to make meth as a hobby then soon in 3rd season makes it full time.

The Character theory (Propp)

The Villain: Lung Cancer
The Donor: Jesse Pinkman
The Helper: Jesse Pinkman
The Princess: The Money
The Dispatcher: Jesse Pinkman (Partner)
The Hero: Jesse Pinkman (Helps Walter find a way to make money) 

Programme Trailer Clip:

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Brand Values


Apple is a multinational corporation that sells electronics and computer products. They could fit into Dyer's line of appeal in the category of Rich, Luxurious lifestyles, hence the simplicity and quality of their products. It could also fit into successful careers: Apple products are for hard-working people who enjoy connecting with one another. 

Apple is a sophisticated brand who focus on putting their all into meeting their customers' needs,



Nivea is a brand who specialises in cream and body lotion. They meet the customers needs by focusing on their research and development to find the best ingredients to make the best cream. Nivea could fit into several of Dyer's lines of appeal. One of which is Beautiful women, hence them showing girls partly naked with fine skin. Also it could fit into the lines of appeal of Rich and Luxurious lifestyles. This is because of them trying to show how luxurious the cream product is.

Nivea is a brand who focus on keeping customers healthy with their high quality products.



The Armani brand is an authentic brand who specialise in clothes, watches, jewellery, accessories and home interiors. They are soon to partnership with Emaar Properties to open hotels all over the world located in main cities such as Milan, London. They fit into the lines of Dyer's appeal of Rich and Luxurious lifestyles by them having a simple and antique logo which represents there simple products. Their products are highly priced.

The Armani brand is a brand that focuses on simplicity in order to attract their customers.



Audi is a German auto mobile manufacturer that designs and distributes luxurious auto mobiles. The lines of Dyer's appeal that Audi fits into is Rich and Luxurious lifestyles. The cars Audi manufacture are usually highly priced which suggests that the buyers of that have to be earning a high enough wage to afford these cars. The design of each car is splendid and the interior of each car is made using fresh leather. Audi range from sports cars like the Audi R8 to everyday family cars like the Audi A3 or A4.

Audi focuses on specialising in all category's of cars which will allow their cars to be used by everyone.



Asda comes across as a very friendly environment where families can do their shopping. This means that they fit into the category for Dyer's lines of appeal of Happy Families. In Asda's advertisements they tend to always show families enjoying themselves and friendly staff helping them out.

Asda broadcasts that they are all about supplying for happy families with their good customer service.


Monday 13 October 2014

Feedback on my blog

WWW: Not a lot I can say here - your blog is pretty concerning. You did analyse some of the film posters in the first task of the year.

EBI: This may be the poorest blog I've marked so far - it's very worrying indeed. So many posts missing or incomplete it's hard to know where to start. Lighting stills - missing most of the images. 

Film posters - not every poster analysed. Mise-en-scene analysis involves one sentence of analysis. No media consumption homework for Mr Bush. Nothing on sound - either your presentation on parallel/contrapuntal or analysis of the sound in a film clip. I'll give you the weekend to sort this out but if it doesn't appear - ALL of it - then we'll contact post-16 and get parents in. Are A Levels the right option for you? It doesn't appear that you are capable of keeping up with the workload.

LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

Learner Response: 
-I have updated my blog and have completed all unfinished work to a good standard. I have also made my blog look more organised with titles and colours.

-My strongest piece of work is my Film Poster analysis. This is because I spent much more time on it than anything else which allowed me to recheck and go over my work.

-My weakest piece of work is the Nike Poster analysis. This is because I believe I didn't spend as much time analysing to my full potential as I could have. I will be developing this over the next few days. 

-I need to organise my time more better. I have been spending too much time on Business that I haven't had time to check up on my blog. This has changed and I'm spending the same exact amount on both,

Sunday 12 October 2014

Type Of Shots

Extreme Long Shot:
An extreme long shot is taken from much further than any of the images are taken. It is used for scene-setting in movies.

Very Long Shot:
A very long shot includes all the nearby objects/people and is used mainly in horror movies.

Long Shot:
A long shot is used to show the character from head to toe. Head being right near the top of the frame and the feet being right at the bottom. T

Medium Long shot, Medium Shot and Medium Close up:
The medium long shot shows the character from head to knee. This allows for us to see their body language firmly. The medium shot is from hip up to head. This allows for us to see their facial expressions and is used highly frequently in many movies during scenes with a lot of dialogue. This is the exact same for the Medium close up but the medium close up is from chest to head.

Close Up and Big Close up:
The close up is used for us to identify how the character is feeling. This is from their facial expressions. Directors use this shot mostly during dialogued scenes as we can see and hear the characters talking. From this we can see a lot.

Extreme Close Up:
A extreme close up is used to focus on one aspect of the face. It could be the eyes, nose or lips. From this no background detail is revealed. Extreme close up's are very hard to film as one little movement of the camera could result in the whole shot being ruined

Camera Angles

The relationship between the camera and the object being photographed (ie the ANGLE) gives emotional information to an audience, and guides their judgment about the character or object in shot. The more extreme the angle (ie the further away it is from eye left), the more symbolic and heavily-loaded the shot.

1. The Bird's-Eye view

This shows a scene from directly overhead, a very unnatural and strange angle. Familiar objects viewed from this angle might seem totally unrecognisable at first (umbrellas in a crowd, dancers' legs). This shot does, however, put the audience in a godlike position, looking down on the action. People can be made to look insignificant, ant-like, part of a wider scheme of things. Hitchcock (and his admirers, like Brian de Palma) is fond of this style of shot.
Camera angle: high angle shot
A cameraman, raised above the action, gets a high angle shot

2. High Angle

Not so extreme as a bird's eye view. The camera is elevated above the action using a crane to give a general overview. High angles make the object photographed seem smaller, and less significant (or scary). The object or character often gets swallowed up by their setting - they become part of a wider picture.

3. Eye Level

A fairly neutral shot; the camera is positioned as though it is a human actually observing a scene, so that eg actors' heads are on a level with the focus. The camera will be placed approximately five to six feet from the ground.

4. Low Angle

These increase height (useful for short actors like Tom Cruise or James McAvoy) and give a sense of speeded motion. Low angles help give a sense of confusion to a viewer, of powerlessness within the action of a scene. The background of a low angle shot will tend to be just sky or ceiling, the lack of detail about the setting adding to the disorientation of the viewer. The added height of the object may make it inspire fear and insecurity in the viewer, who is psychologically dominated by the figure on the screen.

5. Oblique/Canted Angle

Sometimes the camera is tilted (ie is not placed horizontal to floor level), to suggest imbalance, transition and instability (very popular in horror movies). This technique is used to suggest POINT-OF-View shots (ie when the camera becomes the 'eyes' of one particular character,seeing what they see — a hand held camera is often used for this.

TV Show Profile : BBC Three

TV Channel:  BBC Three
Title: The Only Way Is Southall (TOWIS)


This show will be broadcasted at about 9pm which is after the watershed. This is when programmes/soaps like EastEnders finish. The Only Way Is Southall is quite graphic which means it has to appear after 9pm anyway due to the fact children are still awake any time before. This time is also refereed to as Prime Time.

The main characters in TOWIS are young adults. This means the programme is aimed at young adults as it would appeal to them the most. The scenes in TOWIS could relate to many young adults' lives. 

The teenagers who feature in this programme reinforce the image of The Only Way Is.. trademark in a more ghetto way.

The target audience consists of both female and male. The percentage is 40% female and 60% male. Since this programme could be referred to as a soap, both female and male are included in the target audience.

The plan behind this show is to entertain the audience on similar lifestyles to themselves and how following different paths can affect you.

A young teen is surrounded by different people with diverse lifestyles. The soap follows through how different people have influenced him into drug dealing, stealing etc. He gets involved with gangs and then eventually is picked off. 

Contrapuntal and Parallel work



Parallel: Parallel images match a song. So for the music video I have chosen which is 'Scrapz - Mission Impossible' I have included pictures of cannabis and girls which fit in to the atmosphere through the lyrics and the visuals. 

Contrapuntal: Contrapuntal is the opposite so it's what does not match the song. For my contrapuntal I have included pictures of ballerina's and happy families. It is highly unlikely that anyone from a happy white family would listen to music from Scrapz. I have also included pictures of punks who are interested in punk rock which is far from the music Scrapz makes.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Mass Corporations Work

For this task we were assigned a corporation that we had to talk about in a presentation. 

My Word Document

My Powerpoint

News Corp Feedback:
WWW:- Basic information

EBI:- Make handout for class
- More detailed powerpoint
- Refer to synergy 
- Make plenary

News Corp: The News Corp is a American multinational mass founded in 1979 by Rupert Murdoch. Before 1979, News Corp was called The News Corporation. 

TwitterTwitter is a micro-blogging social media platform which allows people to interact with one another using less than 140 characters. Twitter is also great for keeping up with news and trends. Twitter started on the 21st of March in 2006 by Jack Dorsey and Evan Stone.

DreamWorksDreamworks was founded on the 12th of October, 1994 by Steven Spielberg. Katzenberg is another founder who resigned from Disney and joined DreamWorks a bit later in the 1990s. Geffen is another founder. The SKG below DreamWorks stands for Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen.

Time Warner IncTime Warner Inc is a global leader in media and entertainment. It is the 4th largest entertainment conglomerant.

DisneyWalt Disney Studios (Disney) was founded in 1923 by Walt Disney. The company is well known for their movies such as Shrek. The first Shrek movie generated almost 7 times the amount of money put in to make the movie. 60 million was put in and 480 million was generated. Disney are also known for their famous theme park 'Disneyland'

ITVITV was created in 1955 and has become a successful commercial television network, in the United Kingdom, over the course of the last 59 years.

BBCThe British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1992. It is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by employees, with approx. 26,000 staff. 

Film 4Film 4 is a British film production company. The companies first production was Walter, directed by Stephen Frears, which was released in 1982.

Friday 26 September 2014



1.High key and low-key lighting are both used in this image. Low-key is used to create a shadow over her face. This is effective as it creates an film noire setting. A back light is used in order to expose the smoke as well as the side of the characters face which makes her look more devious. In film noire movies the main female character is referred to as a femme fatale and is quite mischievous and mysterious.

2.Low-key lighting is used to make the frame look horror-like. This is done using a top light aimed to the above left of her. As a result shadows are created under her eyes and on her cheeks. Her finger from her left hand lie on her cheeks. The rest of her hand is hidden as well as her body. This may suggests she's hiding a lot.

3. The use of a top light above him creates shadows under his eyes and under his chin connoting he also could be hiding something.  This image is created with high- key lighting. I can see this from the low and high contrast of lighting which makes him seem medieval. The lighting used makes him appear powerful and superior and his body language further reinforces that.

4.  In this still image the use of low-key lighting is used to make the character seem mysterious due to the dramatic shadows created.  A top light is used to reveal half the characters face giving them a chance to assume what this character is hiding. The light is reflected of the gun in the characters hand and the badge on his belt. These are objects that could tell the audience a lot about the guy.

5. This still image uses high-key lighting to show us her facial expression and body language. A dramatic shadow is created on the wall as well as on the girls back. This could suggest that someone is behind her. 

6. In this still image low-key lighting is used to contrast both the light and shadow which conveys how natural and realistic the image appears to be to the audience.

7. Low-key lighting.
The use of a back light creates a dramatic shadow in front of the characters. It could reinforce how important they're in society as their shadows look big and superior . We cannot see their face in this still image which may signify themselves hiding their identity.

8. Low-key lighting is used to create a dark shadow of the girl on the wall. It is likely this still image is from a horror. She is facing the wall as her neck is facing just near the camera suggesting she is looking for something or someone. The key light allows us to catch her facial expressions. The chiaroscuro in this image is powerful. 

9. The use of High-key Lighting shows us the characters facial expressions and their body language. The lighting is very exposed.

10. Low-key lighting is used in this image. 
A back light is used to slightly expose the man from the darkness. I can identify the fact that this still image is from a horror movie. This scene is highly likely to be set in a basement as he is standing at the top and the light reveals the door behind him. The darkness at the basement connotes no way out.

11. High-key lighting is used to create a dramatic shadow behind the female which may suggest she is hiding something or someone from the man who is likely to be her partner. 

Monday 22 September 2014

Reebok 50 Cent Advert Analysis

The Rbk poster connotes youth and struggle. The colour is dark throughout the poster which shows that 50 Cent has been through darkness and hard times. The fingerprints connote jail and prison which is where 50 cent spent a lot of time. Rbk have used 50 Cent on their poster because he is a very well known rapper and appeals to a lot of the younger adults/ teenagers who may have been through a similar struggle as him. This poster suggests that even though he had been through such a rough time he managed to uplift himself into becoming one of the most wealthiest/ best rappers of all time.

The use of a medium-close up shows us his facial expressions. He is staring directly at the camera and looks very aggressive. This is effective in showing us how he feels. The setting is a dark room in studio. This is effective as it shows that he is/was surrounded by darkness and still managed to make it.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Film Poster Analysis

In this task I will be analysing 8 different film posters and I will be answering the 3 questions listed below:

1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be?
2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?
3. Who do you think is the target audience? 

Blade Runner (1982)
1) I think that Blade Runner is about a alien invasion mainly because of the spaceships on the front of the poster. The fact that the movie in 1982 suggests that this may have been a completely different movie to what was already out due to it being about spaceships/the future etc. 
2) I think the genre is a hybrid of action and Sci-Fi. I can acknowledge this from the facial expression on the male in the top left corners face which are aggressive and repulsive as well as the gun in his hand which suggests he is looking to create war with something or someone.
3) I think the movie is aimed towards 14-22 year olds. This is because it contains action which would really appeal to younger adults. 

Scary Movie 2 (2002)
1) I think that Scary Movie 2 is a parody movie about scary movies in this day and age. This is mainly because of the slogan on the girl on the rights top which says ' I love dead people'. This is from the movie 'The Sixth Sense' and has been altered from 'I See Dead People. Also the facial expressions of the actors on the poster suggest they are shocked and have experienced something that is really weird to them. 
2) I think the genre of Scary Movie 2 is a hybrid between a comedy and a parody. This is because of the fact that the movie title is 'Scary Movie'. A scary movie wouldn't be called 'Scary Movie'  suggesting the director called it that as a joke in order for it to suggest the movie is not really a scary movie. 
3) I think this movie is aimed at 15-22 year olds .This is because of the characters being young adults so this movie can be relatable to their own lives. Also the colours on the poster are quite young, flashy and bright colours

Uzak (2002)
1) I think this movie is about something that has happened to the man on the cover which has resulted in him drifting away from everyone and becoming isolated. This may have been from the loss of a loved one or the failure in something. From this I think the storyline is about him trying to regain something he lost or trying to patch that up by doing something else. 
2) I think this genre of this movie is a hybrid between Drama and Thriller. This is mainly because of the the fact that the man being so close to the cliff suggesting throughout the movie he is close to death but is trying to save himself
3) I think the target audience are ranged from 20-30 year old. This is mainly due to the fact that the movie poster is dull and dark and not colourful (which would appeal to a younger audience)

I'm Not Scared (2003)
1) I think this movie is about a boy who digs a hole and finds something he weren't expecting and isn't scared of searching through. I came to this conclusion from the fact that 60-70% of the poster is black and dark. This connotes that most of the movie is spent under ground in the darkness.
2) I think the genre of this movie is a Drama or an Horror. I have come to this from the reason of it being dark and gloomy as a pose to bright and sunny connoting the theme of happiness. 
3) In my opinion the movie is aimed at around about 14-22 year old's. This is because the movie looks like it is a horror from the title and the image. 

Sin City (2005)
1)In my opinion, I think this movie is about a city of sinners. It may include drugs, guns, sex etc. I think this town has become miserable and run-down.

2) From the movie poster I have identified the guns in the 2 male's hands'. This suggests that this movie is in the genre of a action movie. Also the character at the front is standing quite broadly and powerfully signifying his authority. 
3) I think this movie is targeted at adults ranging from about 18-30. This is because it may contain sex, guns and drugs which would already give it a 18+ certificate. Also it wouldn't appeal to anyone of a older age (30+) because of the darkness in the movie and the negativity.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (2006): 
1) I think Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest is about a group of Pirates who are probably looking for the 'dead man's chest'. The movie may be about their journey to their destination and the follow up of obstacles that approach them. Of the 3 characters on the front, Johnny Depp is the largest which may imply that he is the main character.
2) From the poster we can tell that the movie is a hybrid of an adventure/action. I have come to this from Johnny Depp (Character on the top left) holding a gun. Guns gives a immediate impression to the audience that the movie includes action.
3) I think this movie is aimed at kids to young adults.

Bride & Prejudice(2004)
1) I think this movie is about a girl and a boy from different societies falling in love. This is mainly because of the slogan suggesting that she's from bollywood and he's from hollywood and this causes prejudice between their families. Also the poster has 2 sides. Her side and his side. Her side includes the Taj Mahal which is located in India and is a religious place. His side includes sky scrapers and palm trees which connote hollywood.
2) I think the genre of this movie is a romance. This is because of the fact that it is about 1 girl and 1 boy coming together and also the slogan says that it iss a romantic movie. 
3) I think the film is targetted at around about 17-25. This is mainly because these are the years most people settle down with someone and fall in love. 

Million Dollar Baby (2004):

1) This poster suggests that the movie is about sports/boxing. We can see this from the fact that the woman is wearing boxing attire and looks aggressive. Her body is facing away from the camera but her eyes are kept on guard to the left of her. This may suggest she is always looking out and intensifying her skills by the day. 
The lighting used is low-key as it creates a lot of dramatic shadows over the 3 character's faces'. 
2) The genre of the movie is likely to be a hybrid of sports and drama. This is because of there being 3 main characters. Instead of there being just a trainee and a trainer there is someone who could come in between them.
3) This movie is targeted at adults and maybe young adults. This is likely as it is a motivational movie and wouldn't appeal to kids. The colours on the poster are too dark to appeal to anyone under the age of 14.